Trailers & Services
New Builds

Customize/build to suit – The main characteristics influencing our newly built trailers are maximum payload, balance, functional utility and overall towing performance. The design and upgrades added to our trailers allow higher levels of durability, performance and an increase in expected life span. Creating a smother ride than most standard trailer on the market. The custom-built trailer side is influenced by the clients' wants and needs for a specific use and function of the trailer. It also includes changes to the clients already owned trailer needing fabrication.

The expected life span of a trailer (the time in which it would be functional and serve its purpose) can range based on many factors. These factors include region/area, storage use, level of standard maintenance and differed maintenance. Restoration is applicable when the trailer shows accelerated depreciation due to differed maintenance. At Myrtle Beach Trailers, we pride ourselves on the ability to restore trailers that are in need. From simple restoration to full restoration. Why restore your old trailer? Simply it is an effective way to save money and preserve the environment. The cost for restoration per square ft is cheaper than Price per sq ft when purchasing a new trailer. Also, waist is less and when use all usable materials that exist on the trailer you already own. We can make your trailer look new again. We can make your trailer perform.

Increase the actual life span of a trailer (the time in which it is functional and serves its purpose) maintenance and repairs are a requirement. At Myrtle Beach Trailers we can provide maintenance, repairs and replacement. We can provide all services in all aspects. Aspects including, but not limited to axles, bearings, hubs, races, seals, greasing, leaf springs, leaf spring seats, hangers (full suspensions), tires, wheels, fenders, cages/racks, steel frame, tung, couplers, Jacks, lights, safety chains, decks, sides walls and gates. We also sand, prime and paint.